It takes just a few seconds for anybody watching it to smile and keep smiling. A wedding party in a Saint Paul Minnesota Church, seven bridesmaids, five groomsmen, and four ushers dancing their way up the isle. The groom Kevin Heinz then tumbling to the head of the procession and bride Jill Peterson boogieing her way to holy matrimony with her bouquet thrust high. Everyone was clearly having the time of their lives and inviting all who were watching to really share the moment. And they did, not just in the church, but through the latest must see video. After Kevin posted it online, as he told the Today's show, he posted it for Jill's father and family, then the video Exploded. And did it ever, the Today's show appearance added a publicity turbo thrust that made it a story everyone raced to cover.
Then a return engagement on the Saturday's Today's show, the whole wedding party recreating the performance they rehearsed but once. It's no longer a new phenomenon, if there's video of something unique or surprising enough it will spark an Internet wild fire, Susan Boyle the voice of an angel and now this wedding video that's so appealingly human, has to be irresistible. The JK Wedding Dance gets you right in the gut, you get that buzz, you get that juiced up, jacked up feeling of joy and it comes through the dancing.
In this wedding dance video you can see unfettered happiness and friendship, the version of friendship you would want there to be on a couple's wedding day. How many eager witnesses, on Youtube alone over eight million views and counting.
Oh my goodness my elder sister attended this wedding with some of her mutual master essay writers groups' friends they also danced with them and had ad amazing time she still discusses this event as a memorable day of her life.
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